
Will it matter that I was?

Will it matter that I was?

I want to help My mom loves to fold laundry. Or so she keeps telling me whenever I set up in her room to do mine. Laundry is something she remembers doing well. And she wants to help. I see the same desire in my 2-year-old grandaughter. At her age, it comes out in the...

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Is Church just like a Gym?

Is Church just like a Gym?

I joined a gym. And I actually go. Before you congratulate me--you should know I only joined the gym for the showers. Some RV-lifers do that. We have showers in our rigs, but at the gym, the water comes through a pipe and goes away down a drain. It's much less...

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Playing Hide & Seek

Playing Hide & Seek

We'll leave the door open On a recent Come Alongside Trip, the first Stop Along the Way was at the new home of friends. They’d just settled into bricks-and-sticks after 18-months of  RV-Living. A couple of months back, they'd texted me that their offer on a wonderful...

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Obedience is no bargain

Obedience is no bargain

I find myself bargaining with my elderly mother like I used to bargain with my young children. Her: I want some watermelon.Me: Eat four bites of meat and two bites of your beets first.Her: Keep the trash can close. I may need to....you know.Me: Then you probably don't...

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Shirley, Gud Ness, and Murray C.

Shirley, Gud Ness, and Murray C.

mas·cot/ˈmasˌkät,ˈmasˌkət/A mascot is a person, animal, or object claimed by a team or organization as an official symbol for public identification. Sometimes, a mascot is chosen to represent attributes or characteristics the team would like to exemplify. various...

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First, We Lament

First, We Lament

I'm Mad at the World I’m mad. I want to rant. I want to blame. I want to tell the powers-that-be what they should’ve done and could now do to fix the situation. I’m talking about abuse and coverups. I’m talking about violence and mass shootings. I’m talking about...

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While it’s Still Today

While it’s Still Today

I’ve been reading in Genesis, and I’ve got this huge desire to “parent” some of those old familiar Bible characters. I want to take Cain’s face in both hands, look him in the eye, and say, “Take a deep breath.” I want to put a...

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[Over]sharing the Journey

[Over]sharing the Journey

I’ve been a storyteller from the moment I had words. I can’t help seeing stories and telling them. Sometimes it gets me in a mess. No! Not THAT Story! I ran into a friend at an essential oils event. She introduced me to her friends, and as we sat down to lunch...

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Ride along with Christi and share her God moments, conversations with strangers and friends, and the struggles and blessings of living on the road. You’ll see God at work, be strengthened by Scripture, and encouraged to join in as a travel companion with your comments and concerns. The Come Alongside Blog (CAB) is the heartbeat of Come Alongside Ministries (CAM)—where you experience the thump-thump-thump of life along the way.

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