Trust God.
Live True.
Go Beyond.

This Hope Remains

Isolated by the fear of losing the life she loved, Christi hid behind the image of happy marriage. That image was demolished when her husband’s name was released as one among millions registered on the Ashley Madison website for cheating spouses. Alone and naked in the rubble of the life she’d built, Christi exchanged lies for truth and discovered a hope that never disappoints.

Available at:

A painful but beautiful story of God redeeming tragedy

– Kevin

Probing questions draw the reader into self examination and transparency

– Madelyn

A must read for anyone struggling or asking universal questions about God and His ways

– Melissa

What is come alongside?

COME ALONGSIDE brings strength and encouragement to the church and to you.

Christi Speaks

Sharing her story to encourage believers to live genuinely in community– to lose their life and find their soul.

Christi Equips

Training believers to understand their giftedness, the power of prayer, and their call to serve God in community.

Christi Teaches

Digging into Scripture along with your group to see what God has to say about Himself and His ways.


One unique aspect of Come Alongside Ministries (CAM) is when Christi comes to you her home comes with her. With no need to rush home, Christi is onsite and available to listen, comfort, and share truth with members of your group as the Lord leads.



A COME ALONGSIDE DESTINATION (CAD) is a session, a seminar, a weekend, or even a week you’ve planned for your small group, church, or team—to be strengthened and encouraged. Become a Destination and make a CAD  Plan with Christi for 2023-24!



A STOP ALONG THE WAY (SAW) is exactly what it sounds like. Christi loves to strengthen and encourage groups and individuals along the way to and from each CAD for moments of unexpected joy and blessing. Let Christi know when you’d like to book a SAW on an upcoming trip – or put your location on her map for the future.



THE COME ALONGSIDE BLOG (CAB) is where Christi shares details about her God moments, conversations with strangers and friends, and the struggles and blessings of living on the road. You’ll  see God at work, be strengthened by Scripture, and encouraged to join in as a travel companion with your comments and concerns. CAB posts measure the heartbeat of CAMinistries—where you experience the thump-thump-thump of life along the way.


I’m on the road—to COME ALONGSIDE destinations and STOPS ALONG THE WAY. Put your group on my map for 2023!

What People Are Saying

“It was obvious that hours of prayer and preparation went into every session Christi led at our Women’s Retreat. Her speaking and the time she spent with our ladies one-on-one and in small groups were super encouraging and relatable. She makes the most of the platform God has given her, and any church or retreat would be blessed by her presence, message, and involvement.”

Dakota R.

Women’s Retreat Organizer, Alabama

“Christi’s week in the Atlanta area included everything from speaking in seminary chapel to leading a MOPS devotional, teaching a seminary class at the Women’s Prison, leading a few Bible studies, and sitting down with a new staff member at our church. In each setting, Christi shared from scripture and her life, creating an atmosphere of warmth, acceptance, and meaningful study. Invite Christi to come alongside what you’re doing at your church or to help you dream up something new! You’ll be so thankful that you did!”

Judi J.

Pastor's wife and professor, Georgia

“Christi Gibson is an amazing speaker teacher and encourager in Christ. God has used her story and her life to encourage others who have struggled and suffered. Christi came alongside our church and energized our people with her contagious spirit and anointed teaching. Her own story of turning suffering into encouragement will strengthen anyone who has the opportunity to hear her. I am thankful to call her my friend and fellow servant in Christ. I heartily recommend her ministry to you.”

Page B.

Pastor, Louisiana


If you long to see God in this world, travel with me and we’ll find Him as we go.

By Faith

The second week of Advent is the week we light the Faith Candle. Here are some random thoughts on Faith. Drive by Faith I have no sense of direction. Not on the road. Not in a building. Not anywhere. Some people seem to have an innate sense of where they are in space....

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Shameless Hope

More than a happy ending I've always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with hope. I love happy endings. At the risk of being judged harshly, I'll confess that I often peek at the last page of a book before I start reading it. I hate to waste my time on something...

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Cultivate Thanksgiving

Cultivate Thanksgiving

What's the Magic Word? I lost count of the number of times I had the "magic words" conversation with my kids. I'm sure my mom lost count with me, too. I taught my kids to say "please" and "thank you" because an attitude of gratitude requires both asking and receiving....

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